Study abroad in Spain or Peru this May, June, July and August.
The city, time and length are flexible, and you can stay with a family or in a hotel.
Spain programs are available for two weeks (3 credits), four weeks (6 credits) or 6 weeks (9 credits) with a choice of Sevilla (South of Spain), Madrid, Valencia (beach) and other cities.
Students who decide to stay for four weeks can choose two different cities. Excursions and cultural activities are included.
Cuzco, Peru program runs for two weeks (3 credits) and features excursions to Machu Picchu, clinical observations in the Hospital Regional de Cuzco or conversational exchange with natives as part of the credits.
Your earned credits will be counted toward elective, general education, minor, major or Spanish certification for PharmD. All levels of Spanish courses.
These study abroad opportunities will follow all CDC and travel safety guidelines.
Prices and itinerary available for those interested. A few scholarships are available.
For more information, please contact Professor Paola Bianco at