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Join us for Week 4 of Teaching with Technology Wednesdays!

Teaching with Technology Wednesdays 2024
Week Four – July 17th – What’s on Tap

Only 2 weeks left, but it’s not too late to join in on the Teaching with Technology Wednesdays activities!

Week four begins at 9am with “Making a Better Virtual Lecture and Having Fun Doing it” with Rob Eskra. This session will look at ways to make your virtual, asynchronous video lectures more engaging for students so they actually watch them! Get tips and strategies that enhance student engagement and support learning.

Next at 10am is Joseph Nalbone who will introduce some new homepage widgets we have available in LIVE. These new widgets allow you some homepage customization and engagement opportunities that enhance the student experience.

Lastly, at 11am is “Engaging Compliance: Understanding Regular and Substantive Interaction in Online Courses” with Kristine Pruett. This workshop will review the federal requirements for Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) in distance learning courses and how you can ensure your course meets them. If you teach an online course this is a must attend session!

Get all of the details and register for sessions by visiting the TWT websiteMissed a past session? The recordings for sessions are also available on the schedule page under each description. Remember you can earn the TWT 2024 Attendee Badge by attending at least three complete sessions over the course of the event.

Your colleagues and the OTTL team look forward to seeing you! Questions? Email us at