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Career Prep Rx

Submitted by: Dr. Kimmy Nguyen

The Career Prep Rx Program begins on Friday, September 20! This career prep program is open to all pharmacy students. We’re here to offer tips and tricks to help you get to where you want to be after graduation, but the information we discuss can be helpful for securing an internship, scholarship, or part-time job while you’re in school too.

Our sessions are Fridays from 12-1:00PM! For P4s, you’ll need to receive your rotation preceptor’s approval to attend. We’ll record these sessions if you can’t make it. Check out the flyer for dates and details:

This remains an optional program, and you can choose to attend as many sessions as you’d like (and based on if they’re relevant to your career interests)! The faculty have always been dedicated to your success within the curriculum, and we’d like to continue our support by helping you navigate career paths.

Use this form to submit any questions you have about the career search process, and we’ll do our best to address the submissions at our Career PrepRx sessions:

Use this Zoom link to join all of our upcoming sessions:

Please let me or Dr. Danielle Kieck know if you have any questions!