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VA Virtual Residency Showcase Opportunity – Butler VA Health Care System

Submitted by: Brandi  K. Lumley, PharmD, BCPS

Good afternoon,

My name is Brandi Lumley and I am the Residency Program Director for the PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency Program at the Butler VA Healthcare System.  I want to bring to your attention an exciting upcoming opportunity for your current students that are considering pursuit of a residency upon completion of the PharmD program at your institution. The VA will be hosting a virtual residency showcase that will feature VA residency programs from across the nation on October 9th and 10th.  We would be very appreciative if you would kindly disseminate information on this showcase to your current PharmD candidates so that they may consider attending. I have included information in the form of attachments on the upcoming VA residency showcase, as well as the brochure for our particular residency program. I have also included the web link for the VA Pharmacy Residency Program below.

VA Pharmacy Residency Program – Pharmacy Benefits Management Services

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about this residency showcase opportunity.