This year, Taste of Wilkes 2024: Let Us Serve You will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, in the Jean and Paul Adams Commons!
Taste of Wilkes is an annual fundraiser that benefits the Wilkes United Way Campaign, and it is a spirited food competition among Wilkes community members to share favorite dishes and fellowship with one another. All proceeds go to the campaign and benefit the United Way of the Wyoming Valley. This year’s Taste of Wilkes: Let Us Serve You is the 32nd annual event, and it will feature:
Attendees will have the option to sit and enjoy the food made by their Wilkes colleagues or take their food to-go. The event will be held in the Henry Student Center Ballroom from 11:30 a.m. -1 p.m.
Raffle baskets from local businesses, Wilkes departments, and employees.
FIRST PLACE winner’s name and winning dish will be memorialized on the Taste of Wilkes plaque.
Prizes will be presented to the First, Second, and Third place winners
Start thinking of any dishes you would like to contribute to the competition, and we appreciate your consideration of donating a raffle basket for the event!
Please submit your best dish by using this form by Friday, October 18.
Want to donate a basket? Please share your donation with us here by Friday, October 25.
Questions? Please contact The University Staff Advisory Committee at or Jeanne Rabel at