Submitted by: Dr. Erica Mabry
Good afternoon,
I am reaching out on behalf of The Outpatient Pharmacist (TOP) Team. We are a group of Community-based Pharmacy Residency Program (CPRP) graduates that are passionate about advocating for (and celebrating) all types of outpatient pharmacy practice. One of our main goals is to increase awareness of CPRPs.We kindly ask that you please forward the following information to your students at your institution:
Residency recruitment season is upon us and we are passionate about community-based residencies and increasing awareness of all that they have to offer. We are hosting our second annual Virtual Community-based Residency Showcase on November 7th at 7-9pm EST / 6-8pm CST.
Registration for the showcase can be found at the EVENTS tab on our website, Under the POSTGRAD tab will be a list and a map of all CPRP programs participating in the event. Registration is free for students!
A flyer for the showcase is attached to this email.
Please let us know if you would like more information or have any questions.
The Outpatient Pharmacist Team
Erica Mabry, PharmD
Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Wilkes University Nesbitt School of Pharmacy
Office: Stark Learning Center 334A
Phone: 507-408-3894