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Support our Colleagues in Need

As some of you may know, Tony Naro, assistant director of financial aid, has faced medical challenges that have kept him from work for several months.  A GoFundMe account has been created to provide support for Tony, his wife and their daughter.  Please consider making a donation of any amount to help the Naros during this difficult time by visiting ​​​​.  If you have any questions about the fundraiser, please contact Michelle Strickland.  
In addition, another member of our campus community (who wishes to remain anonymous) is undergoing serious medical procedures.  To make sure Tony and our Colonel colleague know we are thinking of them, we are organizing a card shower.  If you or your department would like to sign a greeting card, please contact Bridget Giunta and one will be delivered to you.  Once the cards are signed, we’ll drop them in the mail over the next few weeks to brighten our colleagues’ days.  Gift cards of any amount will be gladly accepted to include the cards, as well.
Thank you in advance for your support!