The Wilkes tradition of first-year convocation has been interrupted by COVID, but this year, it’s back!
First-year students and other interested parties are most welcome.
FYF sections will meet outside between the Karambelas Media Center and the Simms Center at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 15. We will process past the statue of John Wilkes to the Marts Gymnasium for Convocation. (If you are not in FYF currently, meet at the front of the procession!)
This is the event that bookends (and mirrors) graduation.
At the gym, the first-year class will be greeted by Student Body President Megan Makovsky and then participate in a short program:
We’re Glad You’re Here!
You have selected Wilkes. The administration, faculty and staff are glad you did – and we all want you to succeed!
FYF Instructor Paul Reinert will guide an interactive presentation about the transition from high school to college. Personal stories will be mixed with Wilkes’ first-year students’ perceptions and understanding of what to expect, what’s different and what’s important. People and resources at Wilkes that students can use to survive and thrive – and strategies students can use to effectively access those people and resources – will be emphasized.
Bring your smartphones so you have an opportunity to participate in the presentation.
Finally, we’ll dismiss to have refreshments and have chance to talk. You’ll be done by 11:45 a.m.!