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Employers/Grad Schools for Students’ Fair-Parking on Campus Thursday, Oct. 20 – 8 a.m.-2 p.m.

Please note that employers and graduate schools offering jobs, internships and admissions to our students will be parking on campus this Thursday, October 20th. We appreciate your understanding if you do not have your regular parking spot near the MAC available to you on that date. We encouraged our Career Center’s employers, as well as our staff and student ambassadors, to car pool, to be dropped off, to park at Ralston Field (which is difficult for employers, given the amount materials they bring) or to take a shuttle to the MAC, which will be running by the south Gateway at the Student Center, in order to alleviate parking congestion. Our Student Career Ambassadors will also be encouraging their peers/interested staff to move cars off campus for the morning, and those who do can send names to the Ambassador, to be entered into a Starbucks giveaway. We thank  you for your support of this endeavor to connect our students with career development opportunities.