Submitted by: Justin Collins
Dear Students,
Our Nesbitt School of Pharmacy Admissions Team is excited to share we will be hosting our Professional Admissions Day on Saturday, February 18th, from 8:30am – 3pm (with a make-up/snow date of Saturday, February 25th).
This day could not happen without the support of our students to help conduct interviews, check students in, give tours, and serve in additional roles to keep the day a success.
We understand this is a long day so please know both a light breakfast, lunch, and snacks are provided.
Students who do participate receive non-patient care SD-IPPE hours.
When filling out the Google Form please be sure to indicate if you are able to assist in-person, on Zoom, or both as well as for the original date and the make-up/snow date. If both is a possibility, please be sure to indicate as your support is needed! Register here:
Lastly, all students who are helping will be required to watch a brief 30-minute mandatory training video (even if you have participated in the past).
Please contact Mr. Justin Collins at if you would like to assist during Professional Interviews. We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming our newest members of the Pharmily.