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Implicit Bias Symposium

Submitted by: Dr. DeLuca

Here is a link to learn more about and register for the symposium entitled, “Impact of Implicit of Bias in Healthcare” on March 25 from 9-3pm at the Henry Student Center Ballroom at Wilkes University. P1 students do NOT need to register. Other students should register if you want to attend.

Here’s two reasons to attend:

Reason #1: To support your favorite P1 team during their presentations!!

Reason #2: Because there will be these outstanding presentations by regional faculty and experts:
• Please say gay! Inclusivity as a macro approach against LGBTQ+ microaggressions in healthcare
• Breaking through implicit bias in maternal health
• Keynote: Beyond recognition – Using bias to promote change
• Living and loving life Lizzie style
• Body composition, perceptions, and healthcare disparities

We are very grateful for the Walgreens Diversity Scholarship award to support this symposium!

See Dr. DeLuca if any questions.