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“Nominate (including self-nominations)  a P4 graduating student for the NSoP Service Award”

Submitted by: Angela Ciucci

The NSoP Service Award recognizes a graduating P4 who consistently demonstrated “professional service, dedication to community, sustainable design and/or innovation, involvement, and leadership in professional organizations.” As a student, you can self-nominate or nominate a peer. The faculty and staff will select the award recipient.

Award Criteria:

Student is a graduating P4 and significant amount of meaningful time spent serving the community (1 big event or multiple smaller events) outside of the requirements of the curriculum AND develops events that enhance volunteerism, are innovative, sustainable and relevant AND displays leadership in the community AND extraordinary dedication to the profession and volunteerism in the community. Please submit nominations by April 1, 2023.

Please submit your nomination on this google form: by 4pm on April 1st.

Thank you.