If you are an outstanding student who plans to complete your degree by next year, or if you are a recent graduate of a Wilkes program, consider applying to the U.S. Fulbright Student Program for a grant for funding to conduct research, study at a grad school, or teach English abroad.
Fulbright seeks an applicant pool that is diverse in discipline, backgrounds, and abilities. Besides your grades, Fulbright takes into consideration your work experiences, community service, extra-curricular activities, leadership potential, creativity, resilience, and flexibility.
This upcoming workshop will help you prepare a solid application by the campus deadline of Sept 1. Then, you will be interviewed by the Campus Committee and given feedback to improve your application in time for the national deadline, Oct 10. Register today for this second summer workshop, “Filling in the Particulars” on Wednesday, July 26, at 4pm in Zoom, by emailing gina.morrison@wilkes.edu .
To schedule a one-on-one work session, contact your Fulbright Program Adviser, Dr. Gina Zanolini Morrison, at gina.morrison@wilkes.edu . If you know of current students or recent graduates who share the Fulbright mission of developing cross-cultural understanding, please encourage them to apply! Grants available for Bachelor, Master’s, and Doctoral degree candidates. Check out the Wilkes Fulbright page today.