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Digitized collection of theatrical design plates is now available online

Wilkes University Archives is excited to announce that Brianna Schunk, a graduate student pursuing her MLIS at Simmons University, has processed and digitized Joseph Gregor’s Denkmalers des Theaters volume 2: “Szenische Architekturen und Architekturphantasien” [Scenic architectures and architectural fantasies]. Brianna is a 2020 Honors graduate of Wilkes, majoring in English and Individualized Studies in Dance, with a minor in Women’s & Gender Studies. She has worked on archival projects with the Límon Dance Institute and the York County History Center, as well as spearheading the digitization of Manuscript at Wilkes University. She currently works as a writing tutor at the Penn State Wilkes-Barre campus, and teaches dance at and performs with the Wilkes Conservatory. She hopes to continue her work in the field by pursuing dance archives with her MLIS degree.

The finding aid with digitized plates can be found here:

The blog post can be found here: