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Norman Mailer research collection now processed

Wilkes University Archives is excited to announce that Victoria Rendina, a Creative Writing M.A. graduate (2024) and current student for the Creative Writing MFA, has processed the J.Michael Lennon collection of Norman Mailer research, 1948-2024.

In addition to earning an MA in Creative Writing, Victoria was the recipient of the January 2024 Norris Church Mailer Scholarship. Victoria is currently slated for publication in Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine and published a poetry collection, Shadow Truths in 2020, among other local poetry and fiction publications over the years. Outside of school and writing, Victoria has established a community-driven digital literary magazine for NEPA creatives, The Valley with a Heart.

The finding aid can be found here on Archivesspace:

Victoria has spent the last year processing this 90+ box collection and has written her reflections on the collection here:

Norman Mailer: A Legacy Written through Revision and Collaboration