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TWT – Week 3 Agenda

Week Three – July 10, 2024

It’s not too late to join in on the Teaching with Technology Wednesday activities!

Week three starts at 9am with three sessions on the docket. First up is a “Tech Tools Two-fer” with Kristine Pruett and Kathy Lewis. Hear about Wakelet and Padlet and ways to use these tools to engage students. Next is a 30 minute session by Stephanie Wasmanski on “Building Bridges: The Importance of Relationships in Online Learning Environments” and strategies to build strong relationships in your online classes.

Lastly, is another short session on “What’s New in D2L”. If you missed the monthly announcement this session will highlight some of the useful additions to our learning environment over the past year. All sessions are hosted in Zoom for this Wednesday. Come check it out from wherever you are!

Get all of the details and register for sessions by visiting the TWT websiteMissed a past session? The recordings for sessions are also available on the schedule page under each description.

Earn the TWT 2024 Attendee Badge by attending at least three complete sessions over the course of the event.

Your colleagues and the OTTL team look forward to seeing you! Questions? Email us at