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Play an Instrument? Join our bands!

Do you play an instrument? Did you know that Wilkes University has several band performance opportunities? Check them out!

Wilkes University Civic Band: Open to all students, faculty, staff, and community members.
  • Rehearsals are Wednesdays 6:30p to 9p
  • Student auditions are Wednesday August 28th or virtual before then. (More info on the form below)
  • First rehearsal is Wednesday September 4th
  • Dress Rehearsal is Wednesday December 4th
  • Concert is at 7:30p on Saturday December 7th
  • Those interested and able, please read and fill out this form by 11:59pm Wednesday August 28thCivic Band Form Fall 2024
Wilkes University Jazz Ensemble: Open to all students, faculty, staff, and community members (limited instrumentation)
  • Rehearsals are Thursdays 6:30p-9p
  • Student and new community member auditions are Thursday August 29th. (Information on the form below)
  • First rehearsal is Thursday September 5th
  • Dress rehearsal is Tuesday November 26th
  • Concert is at 7:30p on Thursday December 5th
  • Those interested and able, please read and fill out this form by 5:00pm Thursday August 29thJazz Ensemble Form Fall 2024
Wilkes University Pep Band: Open to all students
  • Rehearsals are Tuesdays 6:30p-8p, a rehearsal schedule will be provided
  • This is a non-auditioned group, open to all students
  • First meeting will be Tuesday August 27th at 6:30pm in the Dorothy Dickson Darte Center Rm. 41
  • Plays at most home football games, and some home basketball and hockey games
  • Those that are interested and able, please read and fill out this form by 11:59pm Monday August 26thPep Band Form Fall 2024
A note for any students approved for federal work study, we are looking for multiple band librarians. Please check out the advertisement on the work study ads page.
If anyone needs to sign out an instrument for the semester, please fill out the instrument request form at: Instrument Request Form 2025.
If you have any questions, you can contact Dr. Graham at