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Volunteer with Special Olympics Pennsylvania!

Special Olympics Pennsylvania is in need of help for two October events!
10/5 – Kickball Tournament @ Kirby Park
Volunteers are needed during blocks of time from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and tasks include set up, registration, score keeping, and general event support. Transportation will not be provided for this event since it is within walking distance. If you’re interested please sign up here.
10/10 – Health and Sport Clinic, Blakely
General volunteers and sport volunteers are needed during blocks of time from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. to support this event happening in Blakely. It is recommended that you have your own transportation available for this event but the office of Civic Engagement may be able to provide support in this area. If you’re interested please sign up here.
Fliers for both of these events are attached, share them with your club or class and consider participating! If you have any questions please contact Catie,

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