Submitted by: Chelsea Lee, PharmD
Dear Deans and Faculty Members,
Hello, my name is Chelsea and I am a current pharmacy resident at Adventist Health Glendale. If I could kindly ask you to reach out to your P4 students that are currently interested in residency that our hospital is having a virtual open house. It will be for a PGY1 inpatient pharmacy residency with 4 positions. We are a 515 bed, community hospital located in Glendale, CA. Attached is our residency brochure and flyer for the open house with a link to RSVP. Open house will be on November 22 on Zoom (link will be sent to those who RSVP’ed). Preceptors, previous residents, and management will be in attendance and will be a great opportunity for students to network. It would be much appreciated if you can help us distribute this information! Thank you and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Chelsea Lee, PharmD

Chief Pharmacy Resident | Department of Pharmacy Services
Adventist Health Glendale | 1509 Wilson Terrace | Glendale, CA 91206
P 818-863-4590 |