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Faculty & Staff Benefit Audit for Dependents/Spouses – Proof due Friday, 12/6 in HireForms!

Wilkes University is conducting a dependent benefit audit in conjunction with the 2025 Open Enrollment and is utilizing HireForms, a secure system that allows users to submit forms and information digitally. The audit applies to all benefit-eligible employees (new and existing) who cover a dependent, spouse or domestic partner on one or more of their benefits. This is an additional step beyond the enrollment you completed in Maxwell Health during open enrollment.

Benefits-eligible employees received an e-mail on Tuesday, Nov. 26, from “HireForms” with the subject “New Onboarding Paperwork for Wilkes University.” The link from the HireForms e-mail is safe to click so that you can securely submit a certificate of dependent eligibility attestation form and upload documents for your dependent(s)/spouse/domestic partner.

Please log in to HireForms to complete the form and upload your documents no later than Friday, December 6. Failure to complete the required tasks may result in non-enrollment of your current OR newly covered dependents/spouses/domestic partners. 

If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Malcolm at