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Green Bandana Project – CALLING ALL STUDENTS to VOLUNTEER and PARTICIPATE! (new link/QR code)

  • Students

I hope you are doing well! Happy “First Half” of the Spring  Semester!

We are inviting you to a training session associated with the ongoing mental health support, the Green Bandana Project.  The training will be facilitated by Dr. Hastings, faculty in the Passan School of Nursing, Stark Learning Center. We are having training starting this coming week (SECOND Week of February) on February 11th AND 13th at 5 PM in SLC130 (pharmacy and engineering area). Training options will continue on Tuesdays and Thursdays through February up to Spring Break with one hour trainings on Feb 18, 20, 25 (focus on Pharmacy cohort but all welcome) and 27. A sign-up link  for a survey used to “sign up” is here below, new for the second week of February (SEE THE ATTACHED QR CODE below!):

The Green Bandana Project is a mental health awareness and suicide prevention initiative supporting the health and well-being of members within our campus community.  The GBP will give student volunteers tangible resources (messaging cards/pamphlets provided for you) to share with those who may be struggling with emotional difficulties.  Here is a link to the national website for our Wilkes resources, similar information to that on the messaging cards:

Thank you for becoming one of our “army of (mental health) advocates”!