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AICUP Scholarship Applications open for 2025-26

AICUP is happy to once again offer their members excellent scholarship opportunities for undergraduate students for the 2025-26 academic year. Applications are due to the Financial Aid Office no later than May 30, 2025. Applications are attached


The Commonwealth Good Citizen Scholarship – 
Every AICUP institution is eligible. There will be eleven (11) $2,000 scholarships awarded.  This scholarship is reserved for undergraduate students who have shown an extraordinary commitment to community service, and who have demonstrated creativity in shaping their volunteer activities.


The McLean Scholarship for Nursing and Physician Assistant Majors 
Every AICUP institution who offers an undergraduate nursing or physician assistant program is eligible.  There will be eight (8) $4,750 scholarships awarded.  Please see application for eligibility requirements.


For both scholarships, the “little extras” make a difference!  AICUP highly recommend including a letter of reference, transcript and anything else that will set you apart.  These are highly competitive awards. 

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