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Call for Undergraduate Honors Courses!

Dear Colleagues,

We are writing to ask you to consider teaching an Honors course or adding an Honors (&H) section to your already-scheduled undergraduate Fall 2025 courses. If you would like to teach an Honors-specific course or to add an &H section to an existing class please let us know via this Google Form. <– Please fill this form out even if you’ve already told your chair you’re offering an &H/H section, as this allows us to keep track of offerings accurately.

Creating an undergraduate Honors course or Honors section is not difficult and it provides our undergraduate Honors students with opportunities to enhance their academic experience with assignments and participation which deepen the rigor of their courses. If you have any questions about the process of creating an Honors course or section please contact us at your convenience.   If you have questions, please email

Thank you very much in advance!


Jon Kuiken & Jen McLaughlin