KKY Halloween Bake Sale
Stop by the KKY, Nu Chi Halloween Bake Sale this Tuesday, Oct. 29th and Thursday, Oct. 31st outside the POD during club hours!
Today @ Wilkes news for faculty and staff.
Stop by the KKY, Nu Chi Halloween Bake Sale this Tuesday, Oct. 29th and Thursday, Oct. 31st outside the POD during club hours!
LKS is selling Fun Pasta now until 11/10! We are selling different types of themed pasta and macaroni. These products are great for the holidays with a ton of gift basket options for family and… Read More »LKS Fun Pasta Sale
Timecards for pay period 10/13 – 10/26 need to be approved no later than 4pm on Monday, October 28th , 2024. All missing punches and approved benefit time will need to be added by the… Read More »Timetrak Approvals
Please forward all salary attendance sheets for pay period ending 10/26/24 to Kelly Langkam and Prachi Patel by 4pm on Monday October 28th 2024.
Take a 1-credit seminar course this spring! CHM 298 is a 1 credit seminar course open to all majors and meets Mondays at 2pm. Check out the flyer from this link or email lauren.rossiter@wilkes.edu for more information!
During the Spring and Summer months, representatives from FAC and USAC met with faculty and staff to discuss how our campus perceives advancement and career development at Wilkes, and to identify areas of opportunity and… Read More »Campus Listening Tour Survey
Take a 1-credit seminar course this spring! CHM 298 is a 1 credit seminar course open to all majors and meets Mondays at 2pm. Check out the flyer from this link or email lauren.rossiter@wilkes.edu for more information!
October 30| Time: 2:00 –3:30 pm| Location: Savitz Lounge Dr. Murthy will be talking about Diwali. Diwali is one of the most anticipated and widely celebrated festivals in India and across many parts of the… Read More »ODI: Diwali Celebration Coffee Hour 10/30
Choose from a list of movies you would like added to the Wilkes Movie Channel starting November! Vote for your favorites here: https://forms.gle/YGUQ3SSRCwTKdhSr6. Voting will close Friday, October 25th.
PLS will be hosting its annual Pharmacy clothing sale from October 21st to November 4th. Please consider buying some clothing for yourself and/or friends and family. Happy Shopping! Link: https://shop.4t-shirts.com/wilkespharmacy/shop/home