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Today @ Wilkes news for students.

OGE Winter Coat Drive

The Office of Global Engagement is seeking donations of winter coats. Lightly used or new men’s and women’s coats can be brought to the second floor of the Weckesser Annex. Contact with any questions.

Joshua Michael Hanna’s Dissertation Defense Scheduled for Thursday, December 7th

Doctorate of Education (EdD.) Dissertation Defense The Dean of the College of Health & Education and Chair of the Doctoral Department announce the defense of the dissertation entitled Leadership Perspectives of School Superintendents Post-Cyber Incident: Principles… Read More »Joshua Michael Hanna’s Dissertation Defense Scheduled for Thursday, December 7th

GSA Meeting!

Join the Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA) on Tuesday, November 28th in the Savitz Lounge for our meeting! We’ll be discussing intersectionality and how it interacts with the community. We will see you there!