What is Today@Wilkes?
Today@Wilkes is a daily campus-wide communication that shares news, upcoming events and more. Users can submit announcements, invitations and requests for students and/or faculty and staff.
Today@Wilkes is not a channel for internal-only communication. It has a web presence accessible by external audiences.
How do I submit announcements to Today@Wilkes?
You can submit announcements via the Today@Wilkes submission form.
Announcements emailed directly to Marketing Communication staff or today@wilkes.edu will not be accepted.
Can I make my announcement run for longer than a day?
Today@Wilkes is a daily communication. For your post to run more than a day, you will have to submit it prior to each day’s deadline.
Example: For a post to run Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, it must be submitted Friday, Monday and Tuesday by 4 p.m., respectively.
How often is Today@Wilkes posted/sent?
Today@Wilkes is posted on the site and emailed Monday through Friday mornings. Holidays delay posting by one day.
How will I know if I should submit an announcement?
Generally, if your announcement involves a significant portion of the campus it is appropriate to send. Personal announcements (i.e. “Buy my used car”) are not suited for Today@Wilkes.
What should I title my announcement?
Your title should be informative but brief. Recipients see an abbreviated version of titles in the daily email, so keep that in mind as you compose your announcement.
Examples of Strong Announcement Titles
- Mandatory Meeting for Second Year Students in JPAC 9/2
- Submit Timesheets by 9/13
- Sordoni Parking Lot Closed 7/13-7/16
What should I include in the body of my announcement?
Your announcement should include the following as concisely as possible. The most effective announcements are typically about a paragraph in length or shorter.
- Follow the “who, what, when, where” method, in this order:
- WHO | The name of your department, club or organization
- WHAT | The name of your event
- WHEN | The day of the week, month, date and time of your event. Bold dates and times for better visibility.
- WHERE | The location of your event. Bold locations for better visibility.
- WHY | The purpose of your event
- Clearly include a call to action if possible (i.e. register or purchase link, social media account to follow, etc.). Be sure to include any relevant links and/or any pricing or costs associated.
When and how often should I submit my announcement?
Timing is key. Submit announcements and invitations for events at least a week in advance, with an additional reminder post the day of. It is recommended to submit at least three announcements for your event to encourage attendance/participation.
Be mindful of frequent posts. There are many great things happening on campus, so please avoid spamming announcements (more than 2-3 per week for non-emergency circumstances or with no intended deadline).
Can I use images/links in my post?
Yes! Images and links can make for more effective announcements.
- Be sure images don’t exceed 2MB. If you submit a photo that is too large, it may not appear and can prevent your announcement from being sent.If you re-submit with a properly sized photo or updated link, they will go out with the next round of posts.
- Ensure any and all links are working and direct to the correct place before submitting your announcement.
Will anyone proofread my announcement?
Yes, but only for simple errors like spelling.
“Who” is Today@Wilkes?
The Marketing Communications Department! Caroline Hayduk, content specialist, can answer any Today@Wilkes questions you may have.
You can contact Caroline by emailing caroline.hayduk@wilkes.edu or calling 570-408-4523.
Who receives my announcement?
You can select to send to students, faculty and staff or all of the above. If you are currently enrolled as a student or employed by Wilkes, you will receive these communications. You cannot opt out.
Why hasn’t my announcement been sent?
- If you submit an announcement after the morning announcements are sent, it will be queued for the following day. If there is an error with an announcement not showing up, please email today@wilkes.edu.
- If there is a technical issue with Today@Wilkes, there will be an email announcement and posts will be rescheduled to send the following morning.
- There may be an influx of announcements that need to be delayed in the queue if there are extenuating circumstances. This will be addressed at the top of the email announcements if so.