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Art in Context | Women’s History Month Lecture by Bev Gibson, co-curator of the exhibition presented in partnership with the Council on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity

Looking at the recent change in dynamics within the art world towards Contemporary Artists from Africa, exhibition curator Bev Gibson will discuss traditional techniques and how they are now perceived in comparison to how they… Read More »Art in Context | Women’s History Month Lecture by Bev Gibson, co-curator of the exhibition presented in partnership with the Council on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity

RHC Cooking Class

RHC is hosting a cooking class at Gather Community Space. There are two classes: March 25th at 6 pm and April 5th at 6 pm. We will be making ramen with beef and Asian vegetables!! There is… Read More »RHC Cooking Class

Movie Channel: Pick the April Movies

RHC would like to know what you want to see on the movie channel. Use the link to pick the April movies. LINK