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Join the UNICEF Club!

  • Students

Interested in joining the UNICEF Club? Fill out ​this form to get involved! UNICEF is a UN organization dedicated to providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. We’ll be planning fundraisers, drives, and educational events to… Read More »Join the UNICEF Club!

GSA Variety Show

  • Students

Do you have a talent you want to share with the campus community? On Wednesday, November 9th, GSA will be hosting a Variety Show in the SUB Ballroom. If you’re interested in performing,  please fill… Read More »GSA Variety Show


Just a reminder that Socktober is taking place all of October! Join the SSN in donating winter clothing for Ruth’s Place in Wilkes Barre. Boxes are located throughout campus. The boxes have the orange Socktober… Read More »Socktober!