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Nominate your great instructor or advisor for a TREC award!

The Wilkes University Teacher Recognition and Effectiveness Committee (TREC) is accepting award nominations for outstanding teaching, advising, and student support. Awards range from the distinguished Carpenter Award and the Outstanding New Faculty Award to recognition for innovative teaching, outstanding… Read More »Nominate your great instructor or advisor for a TREC award!

HPSC Applebee’s Fundraiser

Join the HPSC on Friday, January 26th for an Applebee’s takeout fundraiser! Place an online order and use the code DOINGOOD and 20% of your check will benefit the Wilkes University Honors Program

February Movies Voting!

  • Students

 It’s time to vote! Choose your favorite movies that you want to see on the Wilkes Movie Channel! The winning movies will be available in February.   Use this link to vote: